5MemeFri - Bank Runs Accelerate, Feds Promise to Cover Everything??
As the Debt Heads to $51 Trillion the Feds Promise to Insure Everything?
Enjoy these pokes at the powers that shouldn't be.
The Art of Liberty Foundation and Etienne de la Boetie2 bring you 5 fresh and dank memes every Friday, delivered right to your inbox.
Interview of the Week
Jason Christoff Interviews Etienne de la Boetie2 on The Psychology of Freedom Podcast
They discuss the top three things you need to know to be mentally free from the mind control of statism.
Note: This video was removed from YouTube in less than 2 hours. Click the image above or this link to watch the interview.
Video of the Week
Matt Taibbi On The Organized Crime U.S. "Government" Censoring Free Speech
At the House Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing, Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC) spoke to Matt Taibbi about government funds flowing to organizations censoring free speech.
"Government", Media and Academia Criminality Exposed
House Panel on Weaponization Uncovers "Government" Funding Censorship and Disinformation.
As one might expect, the Judiciary hearing on the "weaponization" of federal agencies, featuring Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger as witnesses was full of fireworks, facts, and ad hominem friction.
Editor's Note: The story leads with Democrats on the House Committee on the Weaponization of the "government" attacking Twitter File Journalists Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger as "So-Called Journalists" BUT the meat of the story is further down... "below the fold" with a summary of the latest releases from Matt Taibbi showing that the US "Government" was engaged in full-on censorship...
Read Matt Taibi's March 9th Twitter Files Drop Here:
"Government", Media and Academia Criminality Exposed is a recurring segment in Five Meme Friday where we chronicle the news that makes the case that the "Government" is being run by inter-generational organized crime who are stealing trillions. Join our Telegram Channel devoted to evidence of "Government" and media criminality here: https://t.me/Government_Scams
To send articles and evidence for consideration and to report "Government" and media criminality in your town or city, please send to: Evidence@ArtOfLiberty.org
New Art of Liberty Substack - The Daily New
We are hiring a part-time employee to help with the additional content posting. It is going to cost an extra $500 per month. If you value curated news then would you please consider supporting our effort by either becoming a paid Substack member OR donating at ArtOfLiberty.org/Donate.
We Have the Best Sponsorship Offer On Substack!
Go paid at the $5 a month level, and we will send you both the PDF and e-Pub versions of “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and a coupon code for 10% off anything in the Government-Scam.com/Store
Go paid at the $50 a year level, and we will send you a free paperback edition of Etienne’s book “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! AND a 64GB Liberator flash drive if you live in the US. If you are international, we will give you a $10 credit towards shipping if you agree to pay the remainder.
Support us at the $250 Founding Member Level and get a signed high-resolution hardcover of “Government” + Liberator flash drive + Larken Rose’s The Most Dangerous Superstition + Art of Liberty Foundation Stickers delivered anywhere in the world. Our only option for signed copies besides catching Etienne @ an event.
News of the Week
Kansas Bill Would Make Gold and Silver Legal Tender While Pushing Back Against CBDC
U.S. regulators took control of a second bank Sunday and announced emergency measures to ease fears depositors might pull their money from smaller lenders after the swift collapse late last week of Silicon Valley Bank.
The measures, which include guaranteeing all deposits of SVB, were designed to shore up wavering confidence in the banking system. They were jointly announced Sunday night by the Treasury Department, the Federal Reserve and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
Regulators announced they had taken control of Signature Bank, one of the main banks for cryptocurrency companies, on Sunday. The New York bank’s depositors will be made whole, officials said.
A senior Treasury official said the steps didn’t constitute a bailout because stock and bondholders in SVB and Signature wouldn’t be protected.
The Fed and Treasury separately said they would use emergency-lending authorities to make more funds available to meet demands for bank withdrawals, an additional effort to prevent runs on other banks.
[Mobile Phone Bank Runs] "This Should Scare The Hell Out Of Bankers & Regulators Worldwide"
ZeroHedge Covers How Mobile Banking Is Accelerating Bank Runs "The entire $17 trillion deposit base is now on a hair trigger expecting instant liquidity."
Question: How did $42 billion get withdrawn Friday alone without thousands in line?
Answer: your phone!
This is not the Bailey Savings and Loan anymore.
This should scare the hell of bankers and regulators worldwide.
The entire $17 trillion deposit base is now on a hair trigger expecting instant liquidity.
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Kansas Bill Would Make Gold and Silver Legal Tender While Pushing Back Against CBDC
Members of the Kansas Legislature are seeking to enact legislation helping restore sound money and enforce the U.S. Constitution’s monetary provisions. House Bill No. 2405 (HB 2405), titled the Kansas Legal Tender Act, is introduced by the House Committee on Federal and State Affairs.
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Proposed legislation in Montana would ban vaccinated people from donating blood
Thankfully, lawmakers are finally starting to realize that these slow kill bioweapon injections are genetically modifying human beings into walking spike protein factories that could, via shedding, transfusions, etc., further poison society as a whole; in particular, those “vaccines” refuseniks that constitute the control group of this global eugenics experiment must be protected at all costs from contamination.
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Florida: New Bill Proposes Elimination of Democrat Party, Holding Leftists to Their Own Rules
Florida state Republican Senator Blaise Ingoglia filed Senate Bill 1248, called “The Ultimate Cancel Act”
Florida state Republican Senator Blaise Ingoglia filed Senate Bill 1248, called “The Ultimate Cancel Act”, that proposes eliminating any party’s platform that has previously advocated for, or been in support of, slavery or involuntary servitude.
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US Has Lowest Inventory of Beef Cattle Since 1962
There are 28.9 million beef cows, which are those explicitly bred for slaughter and meat sales, as of the start of this year — which is down nearly 4% from last year and the lowest the agency has recorded since 1962. According to Beef Magazine, some challenges and reasons for the decline in beef cows appear to be the input prices, including diesel and fertilizer costs, and the drought last year.
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Moderna Is Giving $400 Million in Vaxx Profits to the National Institute of Health (NIH)!!
Robert Kennedy Jr. tweeted, “Fact checkers denounced me for promoting “vaccine misinformation” when I pointed out Fauci’s agency owned Moderna patent + stood to make half a billion $ from jab Fauci developed in his lab, exempted from viable safety testing and liability and then forced on public with lies, propaganda + coercion. What a business plan!” Jimmy Dore explained how the system is rigged for profit.
Cartoonist Scott Adams Cancelled After Advising Whites to Stay Away from Black Americans
A recent Rasmussen poll surveyed 1000 American adults, but only 13% of those polled, 130 people, were Black.
Rasmussen asked the Black Americans only if they agreed with the statement, “It’s OK to be White.” The sample size was far too small to represent 40 million Black Americans. Cartoonist Scott Adams said that if almost half of Black Americans disagree with the statement “It’s OK to be White,” then White people should move away from Black Americans.
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IDIOCRACY BY DESIGN: Not a single student out of 53 Illinois high schools can do math at their own grade level
A report from the Illinois news outlet Wirepoints highlights a very concerning trend in the state of Illinois: Students at dozens of public high schools are not achieving grade-level proficiency in math, and their reading performance isn’t much better.
One of the more damning findings of their report is the fact that not a single student is capable of doing math at grade level in 53 of the state’s schools. Moreover, the figure for reading is 30 schools.
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Lawsuit Against Kyle Rittenhouse is an Attack on Self Defense and the 2nd Amendment
Kyle Rittenhouse killed two men and wounded a third man in self defense during a Black Lives Matter riot in Kenosha, Wisconsin in 2020.
He is now being sued in civil court by Gaige Grosskreutz, the man Rittenhouse shot in the arm. Grosskreutz testified in the criminal trial against Rittenhouse that he pointed a loaded gun at Rittenhouse’s head just before Rittenhouse shot him in the shoulder.
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First-Ever Official Apology for COVID Vaccine Mandates
A Powerful, Sincere and Emotional Apology Worth Watching
I believe we have just seen the first-ever sincere and complete apology for vaccine mandates coming from a government official.
(if I am mistaken, and it is not the first one, let me know. Danielle Smith also “apologized to the unvaccinated.” Danielle is awesome, but she apologized for other people’s acts - she was not the premier of Alberta when vaccine mandates were enacted).
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Must See: Robert Kennedy Reveals that COVID Vaccines Are a Pentagon Project!
Children’s Health Defense founder Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK) claimed that, contrary to popular belief, the vaccines were not originally produced by the pharmaceutical companies
Government documents confirm his claim. “There were 138 companies that were involved in manufacturing and distributing the vaccine. They’re all military contractors. The Pentagon and the National Security Agency ran the entire pandemic response.” He said that “Pfizer and Moderna don’t really own those vaccines. They slap their labels on them, but it was a Pentagon project.”
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Blackstone to acquire Ancestry.com for $4.7 billion, giving investment firm total ownership of all DNA from every person who’s ever used the service
The world’s largest provider of DNA services has been gobbled up by Wall Street investment giant Blackstone.
For $4.7 billion, Blackstone purchased Ancestry.com from private equity rivals Silver Lake, Spectrum Equity, and Permira, placing a “big bet,” as Reuters describes it, “on family-tree chasing as well as personalized medicine.”
Now They Can Actually Use WiFi “To See People Through Walls”
If you truly wanted complete and total privacy, you would need to give up nearly all of the technology that you are currently using.
I wish that wasn’t true, but this is the reality of the world in which we now live. The “Big Brother surveillance grid” is constantly growing and evolving all around us, and those that are using it to watch, monitor, track, influence and control us have an insatiable appetite for more data. They are constantly pushing the envelope, and most people don’t seem to care. But if we don’t stand up for our rights now, eventually we will find ourselves living in a society where there is absolutely no privacy at all.
Tucker Carlson Releases January 6 Footage That Raises New Questions
Fox News host Tucker Carlson released new surveillance footage from the January 6 riot that appears to show two Capitol police officers escorting Jacob Chansley, known as the “QAnon Shaman”
Carlson released the footage after being given exclusive access by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) to 40,000 hours of video from that day. “Virtually every moment of his time inside the Capitol was caught on tape,” Carlson said during the segment. “The tapes show the Capitol police never stopped Jacob Chansley. They helped him. They acted as his tour guides.”
Is The Greater Idaho Movement A Model For National Divorce From The Political Left?
They said it was an absurd waste of time, but now, the progressive coastal regions of Oregon and Democrats in Idaho are getting a little worried about the “Greater Idaho Movement,” with at least 11 eastern Oregon counties officially voting to leave the state and join their more conservative neighbors in Idaho. Democrats were saying that the move was impossible, but with momentum growing they are now suggesting that the break-up is “bad for the country.”
The FBI’s Washington Field Office requested the Boston Field Office open investigations into 140 individuals who took buses from Massachusetts to D.C. on Jan. 6., but denied the office’s request to see video proving those individuals were inside the Capitol, FBI whistleblower George Hill said during a Feb. 10 interview with the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. The office claimed they needed to “protect” the identity of possible undercover agents, according to Hill.
Pandemic Treaty Will Usher in Unelected One World Government
Story at-a-glance
February 6, 2023, the World Health Organization released a report by the director-general on the WHO’s review of amendments to the international health regulations (IHR). The IHR is what empowers the WHO to declare a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)
The proposed IHR amendments establish a global biosecurity architecture involving health surveillance, reporting and management — and we the public have no say in the matter
Sen. Lindsey Graham Says He Will Introduce Legislation for Military Intervention in Mexico
A growing number of Republicans are calling for military action against Mexican cartels
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Monday that he was prepared to introduce legislation to “set the stage” for US military intervention in Mexico.
Graham’s comments came after four Americans were kidnapped in the Mexican border city of Matamoros, an area said to be dominated by cartels, and two were found dead. He was asked how he would deal with kidnappings or the cartels in general, and said he would get “tough.”
Cocaine cowboys: American man killed in Mexico border kidnap was jailed in 2015 for 'drugs manufacture' - while the other three ALL have lengthy drug raps
Four U.S. citizens kidnapped by the Gulf Cartel - Latavia McGee, Eric Williams, Zindell Brown and Shaeed Woodard - had lengthy rap sheets
Four U.S. citizens who were kidnapped in Mexico by the notorious criminal and drug syndicate Gulf Cartel have lengthy criminal rap sheets.
Latavia McGee, Eric Williams, Zindell Brown and Shaeed Woodard traveled to the U.S.-Mexico border town Matamoros on Friday when they were caught in crossfire and abducted. Brown and Woodard didn't survive.
Conspiracy Theories Become Conspiracy Facts
At first slowly but in recent weeks with seemingly gathering pace, two trends have emerged.
On the one hand, many of the core claims behind lockdowns, masks, and vaccines are unravelling and the prevailing narrative has been in retreat on all three fronts. But there is still a long way to go, as indicated by the cussed refusal of the Biden administration to let Novak Djokovic play at Indian Wells.
FDIC Investigators Are on the Premises of Collapsing Federally-Insured, Crypto Related Bank, Silvergate: It’s Not a Friendly Visit
A very peculiar headline appeared at Bloomberg News yesterday concerning the collapsing federally-insured bank, Silvergate Bank, which became the go-to financial institution over the past few years for crypto exchanges around the globe. The headline read: “Silvergate Is in Talks With FDIC Officials on Ways to Salvage Bank.” That headline moved quickly to other news outlets, which dutifully regurgitated that there was an effort underfoot by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to save Silvergate Bank.
Is Georgia Being Targeted For Regime Change?
The former Soviet Republic of Georgia experienced a serious Color Revolution attempt Tuesday night after radical pro-Western rioters tried to storm parliament in response to its passing of a bill requiring all organizations with at least 20% foreign funding to register with the authorities. The US-led Western Mainstream Media (MSM) artificially manufactured the false narrative in the run-up to events alleging that the law is based on Russia’s related system even though it’s explicitly inspired by the US’.
Upcoming Liberty Events
March 18-19 - Libre Planet - Free Software Foundation’s Conf March - Cambridge, MA
April 20-24 - Mid-Continent Liberty Festival(MidFest) - Spavinaw, OK
May 26-29 - Chillderburg Go! - Spring Branch, TX
June 19-25 - Porcupine Freedom Festival - Lancaster, NH
June 24-25 - Freedom Under Natural Law 3: Trivium - Online - Etienne de la Boetie2 will be presenting
July - Rainbow Gathering - PA or NH.. The official location not announced yet
July 12-15 - Freedom Fest - Memphis, TN
July 27-31 - Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest - Gaines, MI
August 2023 - The Jackalope Freedom Festival - Baca Meadows, AZ
August 4-6, AnarCon - Gore, Virginia
September 2023 (TBD) - The Freecoast Festival - Portsmouth
Release the Lawyers! Here comes massive litigation against Big pHARMa and the federal, state, and local "governments" that mandated eugenics-linked bio-weapons masquerading as "vaccines" https://vsrf.ticketleap.com/covid-litigation-conference/
Get together: Meet others, have fun, and get involved:
Arizona: Sedona Freedom Movement, Sedona Conscious Collective California: Complete Liberty(San Diego), San Diego Freedom Alliance, Santa Cruz Voluntaryists, Bay Area Voluntaryists , The Mises Circle Orange County (Newport Beach) Colorado: We Are Change(Denver),Liberty on the Rocks (Denver), Kansas: Libertarian Free Thinkers of Kansas City, Michigan: The Michigan Peace and Liberty Coalition(Detroit) New Hampshire: Free State Project, Free State Project Calendar of NH Liberty Events (statewide), The Praxeum (Liberty Center in Dover/Portsmouth, NH), The Wearehouse (Liberty Center in Weare, NH), The Quill (Liberty Center in Manchester, NH) The Shell (Liberty center in Rollinsford, NH) Massachusetts: Boston Liberty Hang Out New York Anarcho-Capitalist Meet up, Texas:Voluntaryists of Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston Free Thinkers, Voluntaryist of Austin Utah: Bountiful Voluntaryist Meet Up Virginia - Liberate Richmond Washington State: Seattle Ancaps Voluntarists Libertarians, Tacoma Liberty on the Rocks.
Europe: London Anarchy Meetup, Libertarian Meetups – Göteborg, Sweden
Asia: VOLUNTARYISM! Living Peacefully and Morally! ( Pattaya, Thailand)
Everywhere: Freedom Cell Network, Caledonia
Have a Liberty event, group or meet-up that you would like featured in our calendar? Drop us an e-mail to: Events@ArtOfLiberty.org
Memes Bonanza
Truth Music of the Week
From the Truth Music folder in The Liberator:
My buddy Rob Hustle breaks it down in: This is What Happens When You Call the Cops!
This video has had over 50,000,000 views across all platforms at one time. Especially appropriate after the police execution of Chase Allan in Utah over a victimless crime. #THICKREDLINE
Free State Project Corner
Update from the Free State Project's Liberty Forum & The Pre-State Project Launches in Weare
The Art of Liberty Foundation just returned from the Liberty Forum in New Hampshire, where we exhibited and met with many leaders of the Free State Project… Some official and some unofficial… The good news is that the Free State Project is slowly and surely winning in New Hampshire and creating a libertarian redoubt. In the “State of the Free State Project,” FSP Board Member Jeremy Kaufman announced that 600+ new movers hit the ground in New Hampshire in 2022, bringing the official number to over 6,800+.
This number, however, doesn’t recognize the folks that don’t want their names on a list, folks who are sympathetic to the project already in the state, and folks that are supportive but lost track of the project after signing. Julie and I met a native of NH that signed the statement of intent in 2004 and then completely forgot about the FSP until a couple of months ago when he stumbled into the Shell, an FSP Clubhouse, for a comedy show. He had no idea that the organization had swelled to 6800+, was electing libertarians (while getting “Constitutional Threats” tossed out), rolling back laws, and slowly taking over the state. Now he is plugged in and energized!
The actual number of FSP members, including natives sympathetic to the liberty goals of the FSP, is likely over 10,000+, according to one board member I spoke with. Over 2,000+ moved to NH in 2020 and 2021 and they are starting to hit the 2 year residency requirement to run for office starting this year!

The Art of Liberty's Pre-State Project Kicks off in Weare, NH.. The REAL Birthplace of the American Revolution
The Art of Liberty Foundation has had a plan to rapidly accelerate the liberty goals of the Free State Project by widely exposing the illegitimacy and criminality of “Government” in New Hampshire. We call it The Pre-State Project, and the basics of the plan is that for around a million dollars, we could drop 100,000 copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!, a Liberator flash drive, a TBD documentary, and a letter explaining the illegitimacy and criminality of the "Government" and how they have been controlling perception through monopoly media and the algorithmic censorship of the media. Each letter would contain four tickets to a town hall meeting where we would answer questions and introduce the liberty organizations in the State in an expo-style meeting. We have had interest from a crypto centimillionaire but it fizzled when crypto crashed.
We decided to get started on a smaller scale while we were in New Hampshire for the Liberty Forum! In addition, to selling dozens of copies of "Government" and dozens of Liberators at the conference, we:
1. We began opening Pop-Up Guerilla Bookstores in the state with our 1st at the Wearehouse, an FSP clubhouse and co-working space in Weare.
2. Sending and donating copies of "Government" to super cool Free Staters, including a 1/2 dozen State Reps, FSP Board Members, and Heavy Hitters in the FSP
3. Sending copies to misguided FSP and Secession critics, including Zandra Rice Hawkins of Granite State Progress and Brodie Deshaies to name a few.
4. Donating copies to libraries in the state, including Weare, Manchester, and Peterborough. One library director was a Free Stater and committed to getting the book into the intra-library loan program, where it will be available to every other library.
5. Donating copies to little mini-neighborhood libraries starting in Weare.
6. Donating copies to Police Chiefs in the state starting with Weare.
7. Creating an option in the Government-Scam.com/store to donate a Pop-Up Guerrilla Bookstore to a liberty organization for $300. They keep 100% of the proceeds (Between $450 - $600 depending on the ratio of $45 Book+Liberator Bundles sold)
8. Creating an option in Government-Scam.com/store to sponsor ten copies of "Government" + Liberator bundles to politicians, libraries, journalists, bloggers, podcasters and police chiefs in the state for $300, including postage. You can give us your list, OR we can direct them where the need is greatest.
9. Sponsoring ads in FSP publications, including the Liberty Block and FreeState.app for the book and project.
10. Starting the search for an Executive Director for the Pre-State Project from the Pre-Staters in the Free State Project to run the project and start a friendly race with the Free Staters for which group engineers secession 1st: Natives or Liberty "Carpet Baggers" ;-) Let me know if you know anyone who would be right for the gig!
Pre-State Project - How You Can Help
Now Art of Liberty Foundation and Free State Project supporters can donate a Pop-Up Guerrilla Bookstore in New Hampshire OR Donate 10 copies of the book to NH Libraries, politicians, and cops.
For folks that donate a Pop-Up Guerrilla Bookstore, the cost is $300, and we give the bookstore to a Liberty group such as The Quill, NH Liberty Alliance or the Wearehouse and the group can earn between $450 and $600 depending on the ratio of $45 Book + Liberator bundles and $30 Book / $30 Liberator sales.
For the folks who buy copies for libraries, politicians and cops, we will let the donor decide who gets them, and the cost includes postage to 10 individual recipients.
For folks who don’t have a preference, we will start mailing copies to libraries, police chiefs and testing sending copies to both libertarian-leaning State Reps AND the lefties in the legislature to see whom we have better luck with.
Click HERE to donate a Pop-Up Guerrilla Bookstore to a Liberty Group or business in New Hampshire.
Click HERE to donate 10 copies of "Government" & 10 Liberators to NH Libraries, politicians and/or cops! Postage for each copy is included and you can either provide a list of who they get sent to OR we will send them to those folks where we think we can have the biggest impact
.Free State Project Corner - The Free State Project is moving 20,000+ libertarians to New Hampshire with the goal of reducing "Government" to just protecting life, liberty and property. We are supporting and reporting on this dynamic. If you have heard Etienne talk about the plan to accelerate this dynamic by dropping 100,000 copies of "Government", the 64GB Liberator and a TBD documentary to the influential in the state and want more details in our Executive Summary.
The Liberator
The Liberator – Our archive of “government” and media criminality
Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version. Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.
Liberator #1 - Companion media to “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/cocj4c4g4dge5ae/AAD989ik8cHQaoINjIrw9q3da?dl=0
Liberator #2 - Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/f8vwa29bg8wpp0r/AAByoYT8XcVsbgUYFmrVPLxia?dl=0
Liberator #3 - Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/flf3694718or4tb/AADBa0rLhBC2hlbAH7uo3DE4a?dl=0
Liberator #4 - Voluntaryism and more evidence of "Government" corruption: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tavm9guzgy26sn0/AACXIsDvOkhOebCS4jd0IcVKa?dl=0
Liberator #5 - Prepping and Self-Sufficiency - Hundreds of resources: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ow588jfgvq0y40r/AABXTfrhNaVBN4ZpmxSwliAra?dl=0
The 5th Edition Everything Bundle
We specialize in "Waking Up" Friends and Family. It's why we publish print books in the digital age and still give physical DVDs to friends, family and colleagues. We just added two of James Corbett's Documentaries to the Government-Scam.com/store
False Flags – The Secret History of Al-Qaeda - $30.00
James Corbett’s documentary False Flags – The Secret History of Al-Qaeda is the best documentary available that exposes how the intelligence agencies created, funded, trained and equipped “Al-Qaeda” to be a manufactured enemy to justify America’s multi-trillion dollar wars in the middle east and the purposefully engineered removal of civil liberties at home.
The Media Matrix - $20.00
It has been reported that the average American spends over six hours per day or over half of their waking life in front of a screen. More and more of our shared life experience is being mediated through the media. The Media Matrix is a documentary by James Corbett of the Corbett Report that examines the media from the revolution of the printing press to the innovations of the telegraph, radio, television and the coming “metaverse”. A PhD-level lesson on the most potent force shaping humanity’s collective consciousness.
Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to share this blog post with friends and colleagues.
Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: "Government" The Biggest Scam in History...Exposed!!
All Our Important Links: LinkTr.ee/ArtOfLiberty