FiveMemeFri -Is Inflation Economic Warfare Against the Population That is Waking Up?
PLUS King Charles Creepy Memes AND Funny Videos
Dear Subscribers,
We are always trying to deliver more value and this week we are Five SEVEN Meme Friday as we skewer "King" Charles over his creepy demonic official portrait. In a previous life I did business in the UK and one of the things that always fascinated me is the UK's love of the monarchy. The inter-generational organized crime system running the UK is using many of the exact same mind control techniques as our system but I am still bewildered how the stench of monarchy and the "divine right of kings" lives on into the 21st century so openly especially when the monarchs are so scummy, degenerate and creepy as "Prince" Philip, Jimmy Saville's buddy "King" Charles and Jeffrey Epstein's buddy "Prince" Randy Andy.
More Good News: We had the softcover copies of the brand new Version 5.5 of "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! hit our distribution center today and all back orders were mailed out! The latest version has dozens of updates and micro-improvements especially in the freedom technology section and the controlled opposition section. We are still trying to get the hard copy versions right with our new printer so my apologies again to everyone still waiting for a hard copy!
Fundraising Update
In the past two (2) days since I sent out Five Meme Friday late, we had another $716 come in through sponsorships OR folks "Going Paid" on Substack since last week including Albert W. who kicked in $500 and donations from Grayson P., and Brian M.,
John M., Brian F., and Christian P., went Paid on Substack as well! This brings our total to $39,459 of the $50,000 we are trying to raise for this campaign. We have raised 79% of our goal!
A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who has helped! We are the resistance!
Click or the image below to donate! Everything helps and we have some great premiums (including the brand new Version 5.5 of "Government") to say Thank You!
In this video Etienne de la Boetie2 breaks down an overview of the Art of Liberty Foundation and what makes us different and special: We are Striking the Root! of "government" illegitimacy and criminality and how we are legitimately viral and producing a "One-Way Revolution" by exposing the tricks and techniques that "governments" use to sucker the population into going along with something that is not in their interest. Can you please help us accelerate this dynamic?
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The Art of Liberty Foundation and Etienne de la Boetie2 bring you 5 fresh and dank memes every Friday, delivered right to your inbox.
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read 5 Meme Friday in your browser.
The best breakdown on the symbolism I have seen: The color red is associated with Satan, the monarch butterfly symbolizes mind control, and black eyes in a dream symbolizes a demonic entity.
Rex Ardeate In Aeternum* Translation: May The King Burn Forever.
The Art of Liberty Foundation and Etienne de la Boetie2 bring you 5 fresh and dank memes every Friday, delivered right to your inbox.
Top Stories of the Week
Etienne Note: I made inflation the top stories of the week because I believe that it is economic warfare being waged against the population as the information revolution begins to cut through the propaganda matrix and expose the illegitimacy and criminality of "government." The banksters and their political and media puppets that have bought up the world with the little paper tickets they created out of thin air and are now going to crash the economy to bankrupt the "posse" that is starting to get organized to come after them while they try to hold on to the plant, property, and real estate they stole through fractional reserve banking. More economic warfare stories in the news section below...
Consumer Prices Have Risen Every Month Since 'Bidenomics' Began, Up 19.5% To Record High
Core CPI YoY was 3.6% in April, the lowest it's been in 3 years. The 1-month annualized fell to the same 3.6% as the YoY, which is why the YoY has been more reliable as a trend measure recently.
Housing (rent and OER) contributed 17.5 bps to monthly core CPI inflation in April. While still hot (2018-19 average was 11 bps), it's the lowest monthly contribution since Dec 2021. And as we show in the chart, YoY housing in CPI is cooling.
Virtually all of the excess core CPI inflation YoY--the part of inflation above and beyond Fed target - resulted from housing & auto insurance. Core non-housing services have heated up on a higher frequency basis but haven't weighing much (yet) on the annual print.
Also, while not in core, but extremely important for anyone who eats food: grocery prices actually fell -0.2% MoM in April and are running 1.1% YoY according to the Biden BLS. We doubt anyone will believe this number, which was goalseeked so that wage growth would strongly outpace grocery inflation. Relative to wages, grocery prices are back down below their 2019 levels. This, too, won't be believed by anyone.
Huge Financial Shock Inevitable & Hitting Now – Ed Dowd
By Greg Hunter’s
Former Wall Street money manager Ed Dowd is a skillful financial analyst. Even though he has a wildly popular book on CV19 vax deaths and injuries called “Cause Unknown,” he is now turning his attention back to the economy. Dowd warns the economy can fall out of bed at any time. Dowd explains, “What’s coming up next is a credit cycle. We are going to see commercial real estate go into problem mode. There are a lot of loans that need to be rolled over in 2024 and 25. A lot of these properties are down 80% . . . . There is huge credit risk coming. The prediction of bank failures is accurate. We are going to see, over the next 12 to 24 months, banks go belly-up. Then, they will have to get merged with bigger banks.”
Does Inflation Lead To Civilizational Collapse? A Look At Rome
By Tyler Durden
With the US national debt at $34 trillion and climbing, USD reserve status under pressure, inflation destroying standards of living, and the Biden administration stoking costly war on several fronts, perhaps it's time for more thoughts on the Roman empire.
In a Tuesday thread posted to X, user 'Culture Critic' (@Culture_Crit) posted a deep dive into the unraveling of the Rome in the 3rd century. Let's jump in;
Videos of the Week
Etienne Note: All work and no humor makes Jack a Dull Boy! Happy Friday!
Funny Video: Woke Jesus
Also… Quick Reminder: Jesus was battling the same enemies as the Art of Liberty Foundation: The “government” and the money changers!
Funny Friday Video: The Hot/Crazy Matrix – A Man’s Guide to Understanding Women (7:05)
"Government", Media and Academia Criminality Exposed
“Vaccine” Pushing Pediatricians – The Financial Incentive to Murder Kids
Etienne Note: Our story on this interview, Whistleblower Pediatrician Exposes Pharma Racket: “We Get Paid to Vaccinate Your Children” Even Though It Hurts Them, has skyrocketed to the #2 article in the Daily News Substack. Greg Reese, the punch in the Alex Jones turd bowl, has done a great job of carving out the best five minutes from the interview in this short five-minute video.
In an April 16th interview with Polly Tommey, Dr. Paul Thomas, explained how the American medical establishment incentivizes pediatricians to fully vaccinate their young patients, and fines them if they don’t. Vaccinations that have been proven to cause more death and harm than the diseases they are said to be preventing.
“Well, as other practices started kicking people out of their practices if they weren't following the CDC schedule, I was getting more and more families who didn't want to do any vaccines. Which was fine with me. So we took an entire month of every single billing sheet. And on every visit, on the back of that, our providers would mark off what vaccines we recommend according to the CDC schedule. Families could decline them. And then our billing department, insurance company by insurance company, vaccine by vaccine, we looked at how much money was being lost for vaccines that were refused, just the admin fee. So there's three main ways you make money off of vaccines in pediatrics. The number one is the admin fee. And you get about, it depends on the insurance company, every contract's different, but I would average it out to say about $40 for the first antigen and $20 for each subsequent antigen. So let's just say a two month well baby visit. There’s a DPT. That's three shots, three antigens. Hib, Prevnar, HepB, Polio, Rotavirus, six shots, eight antigens, about $240. Thank you for giving those shots. Multiply that by the fact that I was getting 30 to 40 newborns per month. They're coming in repeatedly at two months, four months, six months, nine months, twelve months, fifteen, eighteen months, and age two. So we looked at the admin fee loss and from my practice that was billing at that time, about 3 million gross, we were losing a million dollars, over a million dollars, in vaccines that were refused. So you cannot stay in business if you're not giving, pretty close to the CDC schedule. It just doesn't pencil out economically at all.
DEATHVAX™ BLOWBACK: Pastors, Nurses & Other "Vaccine" Pushers Receiving DEATH THREATS
by 2Nd Smartest Guy In The World
The Great Awakening is well underway. More and more people are making the connections, and deducing the almost unbearable truth that the slow kill bioweapon “vaccines” are responsible for the unprecedented death and destruction all around us.
For all but the most brainwashed, it is becoming painfully clear that there is a global bioterror eugenics program underway, and so the death threats have commenced:
Well... it's happening...
I was chatting with a friend of mine the other day, from small town Saskatchewan, and he said their local public health nurse has resigned due to death threats. Her father warned her not give the COVID shots, because, he said, "You don't know what's in them." But she was super pro vaccines, so she administered them left, right, and center, and contacted the seniors in her community to come in and "get vaccinated.” She was also somewhat infamous for administering immunizations at the school without parental consent. Well... since 2021, seniors in that small community have been dropping like flies and now, three years later, people are putting two and two together. And they are UPSET.
"The Russians Just Walked In": Ukraine Border Defense Funds Diverted To Fake Companies In Massive "Betrayal"
Bohuslavets said the Ukrainian Kharkiv Regional Military Administration (Kharkiv OVA) paid out funds to fictitious companies during the construction and fortification of the Kharkiv region. The report comes as Russian forces have broken into the northern region of Ukraine and the US continues funding the war.
According to Ukranian Pravda reports, the Russian military has begun to advance in the northern region of Ukraine where funding that was set for fortification was transferred to fake companies. The offensive from the Russian military launched on Monday with attacks on towns and villages, the Kyiv Post reports. A total of 7 billion hryvnias was spent there by Ukraine, according to the report.
Subscribe on Telegram: These articles also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime's control of the "Government," Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:
"Daily News of The Week
This Is What Happened After Several Schools Banned Cellphones
By Tyler Durden
Banning cellphones in schools improved academics, reduced bullying, and reduced students’ need for counseling, a 73-page Norwegian paper found.
Girls benefited the most from the policies.
“Banning smartphones significantly decreases the health care take-up for psychological symptoms and diseases among girls,” Sara Sofie Abrahamsson, a postdoctoral researcher and the paper’s sole author, wrote in the abstract. Post-ban bullying among both genders decreases.”
The paper followed data from recent decades, mainly focusing on 2010 to 2020.
The researcher observed no negative impact from introducing such a policy.
“The phones are an absolute distraction. Even if a kid has the phone in their pocket during class, if the phone is on vibrate every time it vibrates, which is constantly, their mind automatically shifts away from what the teacher is teaching to the phone,” Tom Kersting, a psychotherapist who was a school counselor for 25 years, told The Epoch Times in agreement with the report’s findings.
DARPA Manta Ray is a Breakthrough Unmanned Drone Submarine
by Brian Wang
Northrop Grumman Corporation completed assembly of a full-size uncrewed underwater vehicle (UUV) prototype known as Manta Ray. A new class of UUV, it is an extra-large glider that will operate long-duration, long-range and payload-capable undersea missions without need for on-site human logistics. The Manta Ray can wait on the seabed to intercept nuclear submarines. DARPA’s Manta Ray is an autonomous, uncrewed underwater vehicle (UUV) that can operate at depths that traditional submersibles can’t reach. The Manta Ray program was launched in 2020 to improve underwater vehicle design and develop techniques to increase payload capacity and conserve energy.
Manta Ray was built through a Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) program aimed at advancing key technologies to benefit future UUV designs, including techniques to manage energy, increased payload capacity, low-power propulsion and more.
Visualizing The Copper Investment Opportunity In One Chart
By Tyler Durden
Copper is essential for clean energy applications such as solar panels, wind turbines, and electric vehicles (EVs), as well as for expanding electrical grids.
The surge in demand for the metal, driven by the growing adoption of these technologies, presents a unique investment opportunity for early investors in copper mining companies.
Visual Capitalist's Bruno Venditti introduces this chart by Sprott exploring the growing gap between copper supply and demand until 2050, based on projections from BloombergNEF’s Transition Metals Outlook 2023.
Copper is naturally abundant on Earth, but extracting the metal at the pace necessary for an electrified economy could be a challenge. The timeline for bringing a copper mine from discovery to production is lengthy, averaging over 16 years.
Top producers like Chile and Peru are facing strikes and protests, along with declining ore grades. Russia, ranked seventh in copper production, faces an expected decline in production due to the ongoing war in Ukraine.
Worse than Dresden 1945: Israel’s Gaza rampage leaves 75% of buildings damaged or destroyed
by arabnews
estruction of Gaza compared to controversial bombing of German city at end of Second World War
Israel seizes control of Rafah crossing with Egypt, halting aid
JEDDAH: Israel’s seven-month bombardment of Gaza has caused more destruction than the controversial firebombing of the German city of Dresden near the end of the Second World War, analysts of satellite images said on Tuesday.
Nearly 75 percent of buildings in Gaza City have been damaged or destroyed, five hospitals have been completely destroyed, fewer than one in three hospitals are even partially functioning, 408 schools out of 563 have been damaged and 53 completely destroyed, and more than 60 percent of mosques have been reduced to rubble.
“The fastest rates of destruction were in the first two to three months of the bombardment,” said Corey Scher, a satellite image analyst at the City University of New York in the US. “The rate of damage being registered is unlike anything we have studied before. It is much faster and more extensive than anything we have mapped.”
US finds 5 Jewish American IDF units guilty of crimes against humanity/mass rape/murder/looting
By Jonas E. Alexis
The US has found five Israeli units guilty of gross human rights violations, the State Department said on Monday.
The State Department said it had confirmed “individual incidents of gross violations of human rights” against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank before the Hamas-led attack on southern Israel on 7 October.
“After a careful process, we found five Israeli units responsible for individual incidents of gross violations of human rights. All of these were incidents much before October 7th and none took place in Gaza,” State Department deputy spokesperson Vedant Patel said Monday.
“Four of these units have effectively remediated these violations, which is what we expect partners to do… For a remaining unit, we continue to be in consultations and engagements with the government of Israel.”
Whistleblower Exposes Internal Email Suggesting Pfizer Offered “Separate and Distinct” COVID-19 Vaccines to Employees
By Jim Hᴏft
A whistleblower from Pfizer has leaked an internal email indicating that the pharmaceutical giant offered a “separate and distinct” COVID-19 vaccine to employees at its Pearl River research site in Rockland County, New York, InfoWars reported.
The email, dated January 2021, reassures Pfizer employees that the vaccine supply for this internal program would not affect the doses committed to national governments worldwide.
According to the leaked document, site-essential workers were identified to receive these exclusive vaccinations.
According to the whistleblower, there was a widespread belief among employees that they were receiving vaccines that were different from those distributed to the public.
“I know we employees at Pfizer were receiving different vaccines and/or placebos, and this was the word around my site when I worked there,” the whistleblower told Infowars.
Michael Shellenberger Attacked by Congressional Democrats for Writing about Repression by Brazil's Lula -
by Michael Shellenberger
Going into yesterday’s Congressional hearing on Brazil’s crackdown on free speech, I expected Democrats would at least express some amount of concern for what is happening in that country.
It’s not just that Brazil’s President Lula is seeking to impose Cuban-style speech restrictions on the largest economy in Latin America, complete with secret thought police.
It isn’t just that Brazil’s Supreme Court is demanding that every major social media platform permanently ban independent journalists and politicians.
It’s also that the Brazilian government is poised to file criminal charges against an American citizen, the author of this article, for publishing entirely accurate and legal information in the form of the Twitter Files - Brazil, last month.
After all, at one heated Congressional hearing on censorship, Rep. Daniel Goldman (D-NY) at least complimented my choice of necktie.
AstraZeneca Coronavirus Vaccine to Be Pulled Worldwide for ‘Commercial’ Reasons
by Kurt Zindulka
The Oxford-AstraZeneca coronavirus vaccine will be withdrawn worldwide just months after the firm admitted that the jab causes a rare but dangerous side effect, however, AstraZeneca insists that the decision to pull the vaccine was purely made for commercial reasons.
AstraZeneca pulled its “marketing authorisation” for its COVID-19 vaccine, known commercially as Vaxzevria, in the European Union on Tuesday and plans to do so in the UK and other countries where it was deployed in the coming months. The decision will not impact the United States, where the jab never received approval to go to market.
The pharmaceutical giant insisted that the decision was made for commercial considerations, saying that the vaccine is no longer being manufactured and that more recent vaccines have been developed to confront novel variants of the Chinese virus.
A Staggering 19x Energy Jump in Capacitors May Be the Beginning of the End for Batteries
by Tim Newcomb
A battery’s best friend is a capacitor. Powering everything from smartphones to electric vehicles, capacitors store energy from a battery in the form of an electrical charge and enable ultrafast charging and discharging. However, their Achilles’ heel has always been their limited energy storage efficiency.
Now, Washington University in St. Louis researchers have unveiled a groundbreaking capacitor design that looks like it could overcome those energy storage challenges.
In a study published in Science, lead author Sang-Hoon Bae, an assistant professor of mechanical engineering and materials science, demonstrates a novel heterostructure that curbs energy loss, enabling capacitors to store more energy and charge rapidly without sacrificing durability.
While batteries excel in storage capacity, they fall short in speed, unable to charge or discharge rapidly. Capacitors fill this gap, delivering the quick energy bursts that power-intensive devices demand. Some smartphones, for example, contain up to 500 capacitors, and laptops around 800. Just don’t ask the capacitor to store its energy too long.
The Abstract episode 29 “8 States BANNING CHEMTRAILS”
By Peter A. Kirby
It appears that the issue of chemtrails and geoengineering is finally starting to go mainstream. This is largely due to the fact that Tennessee has recently signed a bill into law which effectively bans weather modification activities and there are 7 other states with similar bills in the works. For a thorough understanding of chemtrails and geoengineering, please buy and read the author’s book Chemtrails Exposed: A New Manhattan Project.
On April 11, 2024 Tennessee Governor Bill Lee signed SB 2691 (formerly HB 2063) into law. The new law goes into effect on July 1. SB 2691 was introduced by Representative Monty Fritts (R) and had 14 co-sponsors.
The law is very brief. It amends an already existing law. It simply states that, “The intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight is prohibited.” Violators face charges of a class C misdemeanor with fines of up to $10K per day, per violation.
World's highest-efficiency hydrogen system scales up for mass production
By Loz Blain
Hysata promises the world's cheapest hydrogen, thanks to a remarkable device that splits water into H2 and O2 at 95% efficiency – some 20% higher than the best conventional electrolyzers. The company has raised US$111 million to scale up production.
You have to throw some energy away to make hydrogen – typically around 20-30%, even with the best systems, which use around 52.5 kWh of energy to create a kilogram of hydrogen that can store 39.4 kWh of energy. It's a waste of renewable energy, and it contributes to the high cost of a green fuel option that's really struggling to compete against fossils and batteries in many applications.
That's what makes Australian company Hysata's capillary-fed electrolyzer such an interesting device; at 95% efficiency, it uses just 41.5 kWh of energy to create that kilogram of hydrogen, cutting down operational costs for hydrogen producers – while also cutting down on CAPEX by being cheaper to install and run, to boot. The result: the cheapest green hydrogen going around.
‘Megalopolis’ Official Trailer Reveals Francis Ford Coppola’s ‘Best Work Ever’
By Patrick Frater
“Our new film ‘Megalopolis’ is the best work I’ve ever had the privilege to preside over,” reads a quote attributed to iconic director Francis Ford Coppola attached to the official trailer for his new epic film.
The picture, which will premiere in competition on Thursday at the Cannes Film Festival, has been a project many years in the making for the director. He first began work on the screenplay in the 1980s.
The legendary filmmaker behind “The Godfather” and “Apocalypse Now” has invested $120 million of his own money into the film.
The trailer starts with a voice-over musing about the decline of empires – “when does an empire die? Does it collapse in one terrible moment? No, no. But there comes a time when people no longer believe in it” — before cutting to a Roman chariot race, a metropolitan skyscape and scenes of protest.
Foreign-Born Population Grew by 5.1 Million in the Last Two Years
By Steven A. Camarota and Karen Zeigler
The foreign-born or immigrant population (legal and illegal) hit new record highs in March 2024 of 51.6 million and 15.6 percent of the total U.S. population. Since March 2022 the foreign-born population has increased 5.1 million, the largest two-year increase in American history. The foreign-born population has never grown this much this fast. Although many think of immigrants only as workers, less than half of those who arrived since 2022 are employed. This analysis is based on the government’s monthly Current Population Survey (CPS), which like any survey has a margin of error, so there are fluctuations in the data. But the increase in the last two years is unlike anything seen before and is statistically significant.
Among the findings:
In March 2024 the foreign-born population reached 51.6 million, 5.1 million more than in March 2022 — the largest two-year increase ever recorded in American History.
I Am a Jewish Student at Columbia. Don’t Believe What You’re Being Told About ‘Campus Antisemitism’
by tts-admin
The White House, Congressional Republicans, and cable news talking heads would have you believe that the Columbia University campus has devolved into a hotbed of antisemitic violence – but the reality on the ground is very different. As a Jewish student at Columbia, it depresses me that I have to correct the record and explain what the real risk to our safety looks like. I still can’t quite believe how the events on campus over the past few days have been so cynically and hysterically misrepresented by the media and by our elected representatives.
Last week, the Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD) coalition, representing more than 100 student organizations, including Jewish groups, organized the Gaza Solidarity Encampment, a peaceful campus protest in solidarity with Palestine. CUAD was reactivated after the university suspended Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace in the fall. On Wednesday morning, hundreds of students camped out on Columbia’s South Lawn. They vowed to stay put until the university divests from companies that profit from their ties to Israel. Protesters prayed, chanted, ate pizza, and condemned the university’s complicity in Israel’s attacks on Gaza. Though counter-protesters waved Israeli flags near the encampment, the campus remained largely calm from my vantage point.
Delinquencies on Office Property Loans at Banks Are at 8 Percent While Office Loans the Banks Sold to Investors Show 31 Percent in Trouble
By Pam Martens and Russ Martens
On Friday, the Federal Reserve released its semiannual Supervision and Regulation Report on banks. Commercial real estate loans at banks – particularly on office properties – continued to rank high on the Fed’s list of concerns. The Fed included the chart above showing that delinquency rates on office property loans held by the banks had skyrocketed from just over 1 percent at the end of 2022 to over 8 percent as of December 31, 2023. (The red text and arrow have been added by Wall Street On Parade.)
Banks are major lenders to the commercial real estate (CRE) market, providing almost $3 trillion in financing. According to a February 27 report from S&P Global, as of the end of the fourth quarter of 2023, two megabanks dwarfed all others in their commercial real estate loan exposure. JPMorgan Chase Bank NA, the largest bank in the U.S., held $173.31 billion in CRE loans while Wells Fargo Bank NA held $139.65 billion. Bank of America ranks second to JPMorgan Chase Bank NA in terms of assets, and yet its CRE loan exposure is less than half that of JPMorgan Chase, at $82.80 billion, according to S&P Global.
The WHO teaches European children Sex, or why this organization should be entrusted with nothing
by Meryl Nass
Below is what should be taught to children aged 6-9 years old. It includes information on sexually transmitted diseases, the “sexual rights of children” and “awareness of rights and choices.”
Below is what should be taught to 9-12 year olds. “Symptoms of pregnancy”??? “Variability of sexual behavior”??? Using contraceptives??? Please have a look at this booklet and weep at what our children are beng subjected to through an evil agenda and a compliant WHO.
Virtual Home Invasions: We’re Not Safe from Government Peeping Toms
By John W. Whitehead
“The privacy and dignity of our citizens is being whittled away by sometimes imperceptible steps. Taken individually, each step may be of little consequence. But when viewed as a whole, there begins to emerge a society quite unlike any we have seen—a society in which government may intrude into the secret regions of man’s life at will.”—Justice William O. Douglas
The spirit of the Constitution, drafted by men who chafed against the heavy-handed tyranny of an imperial ruler, would suggest that one’s home is a fortress, safe from almost every kind of intrusion.
Unfortunately, a collective assault by the government’s cabal of legislators, litigators, judges and militarized police has all but succeeded in reducing that fortress—and the Fourth Amendment alongside it—to a crumbling pile of rubble.
US regime beats students
by Marwa Osman
Students and community members were physically assaulted by the police of the Washington regime.
This week on ‘Exposé’, we expose the narrative in US pro-genocide media about students and community members who were physically assaulted by the police of the Washington regime while setting up an encampment in solidarity with Gaza.
The New York Times exposes Fox News and the New York Post for disseminating false information and propaganda against student protesters, prompting the digital media to turn on each other. And ‘Exposé’ presents data and facts that demonstrate how the Washington establishment has suppressed nonviolent student protests on several American university campuses.
Nebraska Ends Income Taxes On Gold And Silver, Declares CBDC’s Are Not Lawful Money
By Tyler Durden
With Gov. Jim Pillen’s recent signature, Nebraska has become the 12th state to end capital gains taxes on sales of gold and silver.
LB 1317 is the fourth major sound money bill to become law this year, as state lawmakers across the nation scramble to protect the public from the ravages of inflation and runaway federal debt.
Under the new Nebraska law, any “gains” or “losses” on precious metal sales reported on federal income tax returns are backed out, thereby removing them from the calculation of a Nebraska taxpayer’s adjusted gross income (AGI).
Supported by the Sound Money Defense League, Money Metals Exchange, and in-state advocates, Nebraska’s sound money measure passed out of the unicameral legislature’s Revenue committee unanimously before being amended into a larger bill.
America is running out of money, and nobody cares
by Samuel Gregg
An economic specter haunts America. It’s also one that many American politicians – Republican and Democrat – say a great deal about but are reluctant to address.
The name of that shadow is the United States National Debt: what the US Treasury Department defines as “the amount of money the Federal Government has borrowed to cover the outstanding balance of expenses incurred over time.”
If you go to the Treasury’s website, you can see just how big that debt is. In mid-May, it was 34.5 trillion dollars. The pace of the growth in that debt is equally stunning. Approximately 1 trillion dollars is being added to America’s National Debt every 100 days.
Historically-speaking, America’s National Debt has taken on huge proportions during national emergencies like World War II. Funding such extraordinary measures, as well as more mundane government activities like infrastructure-development, is what the US National Debt has traditionally been used for.
UN Troops Being Brought in as Migrant Refugees
by Greg Reese
The southern border of the United States is wide open, and the Federal government has been conducting a wide-scale criminal operation of flooding the country with unvetted foreigners, distributing them across the United States, and providing them with homes and financial support. The GOP’s talking point has been that this is all about election fraud, but this has been happening all across the Western world for over a decade. This is something far more sinister than election fraud.
The Population Division of the United Nations concerns themselves with international migration. In the year 2000, they published Replacement Migration, a solution put forth to deal with declining and ageing populations. For years we were told that this was a conspiracy theory, but now that we are seeing tens of millions murdered by the experimental shots, it is becoming more clear what the objective is.
Tennessee Judges Rein in Game Wardens, Declaring Warrantless Searches on Private Land Unconstitutional
By Dac Collins
A recent court ruling in Tennessee restricts some of the powers that the state’s game wardens have traditionally held when policing hunters and anglers on private land. According to that ruling, which was handed down by a Court of Appeals on Thursday, wildlife officers can no longer enter private property to monitor, look for, or otherwise investigate wildlife crimes without a warrant.
Although it might surprise some Americans, entering and surveilling private lands without obtaining a warrant or notifying the landowner have long been standard practices for many state fish and game agencies. In most states that allow this, game wardens have more power than police and other law enforcement officers when it comes to warrantless searches. Among other privileges, this statutory authority permits game wardens to enter privately owned lands without permission, and to conceal themselves while investigating suspected violations of hunting and fishing laws. These powers are summarized in a Tennessee law that allows officers with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency “to go upon any property, outside of buildings, posted or otherwise” in order to enforce wildlife laws.
Meet Benjamin Netanyahu, Unconvicted War Criminal
by The Corbett Report
The International Criminal Court is supposedly mulling war crimes charges against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other high-ranking Israeli political and military officials. But what reason could they possibly have for charging Netanyahu with war crimes? Uncover all the dirt on the unindicted war criminal presiding over Israel's crimes against humanity in this important edition of The Corbett Report podcast.
Israeli Settlers in the West Bank Set Fire to Trucks Carrying Food and Supplies to Gaza
by Channel 4 News
Around 70 supply trucks that were scheduled to go into the Gaza strip were looted by right wing Jewish settlers in the West Bank and the food and aid were burned in a systematic act of sabotage. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian civilians, many of them children, face famine.
Israeli protesters called for Gaza to be put in their hands. Police allowed the riots. Far-right National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir has reportedly encouraged law enforcement to avoid cracking down on the Israeli extremists.
Israeli tanks are reported to be pushing further into the southern city of Rafah, where the UN says almost 480,000 Palestinians have fled in the last week, warning they face “constant exhaustion, hunger and fear”.
Palestinians mark the anniversary of ‘Nakba’ this week when 700,000 were forcibly evicted by Zionists; many Palestinians fled their homeland. Wikipedia describes Nakbah as “the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in Mandatory Palestine during the 1948 Palestine war through their violent displacement and dispossession of land, property, and belongings, along with the destruction of their society, culture, identity, political rights, and national aspirations.”
Biden Administration Quadruples Tariffs On Chinese EVs
By Tyler Durden
The Biden administration announced on Tuesday that it will impose a 100 percent tariff—quadrupling the current 25 percent—on electric vehicles imported from China in 2024. In addition to EVs, the White House has significantly increased tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum products, lithium-ion batteries, and solar cells.
“China’s using the same playbook it has before to power its own growth at the expense of others by continuing to invest despite excess Chinese capacity and flooding global markets with exports that are underpriced due to unfair practices,” Lael Brainard, director of the National Economic Council, told reporters at a call ahead of the announcement.
“China’s simply too big to play by its own rules.”
She added that the tariff increases are consistent with President Joe Biden’s China policy of “responsibly managing competition with China.” “We are working with our partners around the world to address our shared concerns about China’s unfair practices,” Ms. Brainard said.
US Post Office Raises Shipping Rates 25%
by CWR
USPS just announced a 25% hike in shipping.
That is inflationary.
That is shipping and logistics…
Ok Jerome Powell, what sort of BS is the @federalreserve going to shovel today?
— Ann Vandersteel (@annvandersteel) May 14, 2024
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Postal Service on Friday said it is seeking an average 25% price hike for high-volume shippers to enter packages for regional delivery through its Parcel Select service.
The price hike, which would take effect on July 14 and must be approved by the Postal Regulatory Commission, is because USPS no longer intends give incentives for parties to aggregate mail volume from multiple shippers and bring such volume directly to the destination delivery unit.
USPS is not proposing to hike prices for its USPS Ground Advantage package shipping.
Last month, USPS said it plans to raise the price of first-class mail stamps to 73 cents from 68 cents effective July 14. The hike, which must be approved by the postal commission, would raise mailing services product prices by 7.8%.
Also… Quick Reminder: Jesus was battling the same enemies as the Art of Liberty Foundation: The “government” and the money changers!
Neuroscience Says 1 Regular Habit Will Improve Your Brain Function and Strengthen Your Mind
By Marcel Schwantes
Do you ever struggle to concentrate, feel mentally foggy, or forget simple tasks? I'm raising my hand! Our brains are constantly bombarded with information and demands, making it easy to feel overwhelmed and mentally drained.
But what if I told you there's a simple, accessible solution to sharpen your cognitive abilities and enhance your mental clarity? It's not a revolutionary new technique--it's something as straightforward as physical exercise.
Yep. The same activity that strengthens your muscles and boosts your cardiovascular health also has incredible benefits for your brain function. While we often associate exercise with physical fitness and weight management, its impact on the brain is equally profound, if not more so.
Chances are, you're a busy professional juggling multiple priorities, and you're probably looking for a competitive edge to keep you going. Well, exercise works wonders for your productivity. According to research published in Brain Science, regular exercise releases neurotransmitters such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin, which increase blood flow and improve focus, reasoning abilities, memory, and cognitive performance. Not only that, but it improves mood, motivation, and learning abilities.
Sub-$12k electric micro-car will roll on US roads later this year
By Paul Ridden
We are starting to fully expereince the implied logic of the EV protocol. The battery is still weighty but should certainly decline now that range has been largely achieved.
The mere fact that so many Teslas show up as your uber vehicle shows that the managed protocol works well now in the urban space.
The others are turning out to be special apps demanding engineering. Of course this was always true, but with ample surplus power is was possible to overlap.
The Eli Zero is classed as a LSV or NEV in the US, and will go on sale from Q3 for a starting price of $11,990
LA-based Eli Electric Vehicles is launching its flagship Zero electric micro-car in the US market later this year, hoping to build on sales success in Europe and beyond. The teeny two-person city dweller starts at just $11,990.
Sellers are hitting the panic button. reports surprise 30% spike in inventory.
by CWR
Surging homes for sale and price cuts suggests the housing market is weakening that home prices could drop significantly in coming months. Particularly in housing markets like Texas, Florida, and Arizona, where there is the biggest spike in homes for sale and price cuts.
A big twist in the 2024 housing market has been that real estate investors are beginning to sell. This can be seen on the listing shown at 1:06. That’s a property for sale in Houston owned by Invitation Homes – one of America’s biggest Wall Street landlords.
Investors selling has caused the numbers of homes for sale to spike in many cities across America. Particularly housing markets like Houston, Dallas, Orlando, Phoenix, and Nashville.
China sold a record amount of Treasury and US agency bonds to buy gold in the first quarter
By Masaki Kondo
China sold a record amount of Treasury and US agency bonds in the first quarter, highlighting the Asian nation’s move to diversify away from American assets as trade tensions persist.
Beijing offloaded a total of $53.3 billion of Treasuries and agency bonds combined in the first quarter, according to calculations based on the latest data from the US Department of the Treasury. Belgium, often seen as a custodian of China’s holdings, disposed of $22 billion of Treasuries during the period.
China’s investments in the US are garnering renewed investor attention amid signs that tensions between the world’s largest economies may worsen. President Joe Biden has unveiled sweeping tariff hikes on a range of Chinese imports, while his predecessor Donald Trump said he might impose a levy of more than 60% on Chinese goods if elected.
Regulators told to be ready to handle failed clearing houses
By Huw Jones
LONDON, April 25 (Reuters) - Regulators must equip themselves with tools such as "bail-in" bonds to deal quickly with a failed clearing house for stocks, bonds or derivatives without having to call on taxpayers for cash, the G20's risk watchdog said on Thursday.
After the global financial crisis of 2007-09, regulators mandated clearing for a wider range of derivatives, meaning they must pass through a clearer backed by a default fund to ensure completion of trades.
More recently, the United States has adopted rules to force more trades in the $26 trillion U.S. Treasury market through clearers.
As a result of such changes, some clearers have become vital to financial systems in more than one jurisdiction, meaning their failure could damage financial stability unless they can be stabilised or "resolved", meaning closed down, in an orderly way.
The DragonBear-Hug Signals Unprecedented Expansion of Ties
by Simplicius
Not only is it the symbolic first foreign trip of his latest presidential term, but digging under the hood, we discover there is even much more import to the trip to distinguish it from the merely routine.
Firstly, Putin brought virtually every major figure of the Russian government with him, most notably new Defense Minister Belousov—though Shoigu remained significantly at his side:
This has led many pundits to analyze the trip on a deeper level than usual.
This thread by a Ukrainian reserve officer lists the following entourage:
Furthermore, key representatives of businesses and oligarchs are part of the expanded delegation.
- Oleg Deripaska, oligarch and founder of RUSAL
- Igor Sechin, oligarch, CEO of Rosneft
- Herman Gref, Chairman of Sberbank's Executive Board
- Andrey Kostin, President-Chairman of VTB Bank
California’s ‘Secret’ 50-Cent Gas Tax Hike to Combat Phony Global Warming
by Fox News
Last September, the California Air Resources Board (CARB), the state’s primary environmental regulator, reported gas prices will rise next year by about 50 cents a gallon and every year thereafter to aid in clean air efforts. Gasoline price increases are predicted due to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard reforms that were created in 2007, likely rising by 47 cents next year and 52 cents by 2026. Long-term projections suggest gasoline could surge by $1.15. The increase will punish middle class and low income Californians and is a push to get people to buy electric vehicles (EV).
A longstanding emissions reduction program may lead to a 50-cent increase in gasoline prices within two years in California, according to a little-known state air quality regulator report.
In September, the California Air Resources Board (CARB), the state’s primary environmental regulator, reported gas prices will rise next year by about 50 cents a gallon and every year thereafter to aid in clean air efforts. The price increase does not include the existing gas tax in the state.
Biden Rewards Bibi’s Genocide with $1 Billion More in Weapons. “There’s Nowhere to Go”. 300,000 Palestinians Fleeing Rafah
By Joachim Hagopian
After Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu intentionally sabotaged the recent ceasefire agreement in order to resume his long plotted Rafah campaign last week, Biden halted one shipment of US bombs headed for Israel. The only reason “the pause” on the US weapons latest bomb delivery occurred, was simply to provide an illusion that the Biden regime “cares” about the ongoing Gaza carnage during an election year to stop the bleeding of his political base – young pro-Palestinian protesting voters and the Midwest’s swing state Arab population.
Bibi’s response to Biden’s first attempt ever to withhold aid was to defiantly proceed with his IDF offensive into Rafah, regardless. His latest “fuck you” refusal toward the weak Biden clown show, masquerading as the US presidential administration, has the Middle East war racing unimpeded towards growing regional turned world war. The melodrama queen martyr Netanyahu stated last week:
Upcoming Liberty Events
Rothbard Graduate Seminar 2024 - June 9th-14th, 2024, Auburn, Alabama
Porcupine Freedom Festival - June 17th – 23th, 2024, Lancaster, New Hampshire
Liberstad Freedom Festival - July 24th - July 28th, Liberstad, Norway
Mises University 2024 - July 28th – August 3rd, 2024, Auburn, Alabama
Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest - July 25-29, 2024, Gaines, Michigan
Living Free Festival, 23 - 25 August 2024, Pillar Valley NSW, Australia
AnarCon Outdoor Liberty Festival - August, 2024, Gore, Virginia
Music & Sky 2023 - August 2024, Cuyama Valley, California
The People's Reset: UK - Sept 27-29th - Bath, UK
We are proud to announce our next Activation - The People's Reset: UK!- UK from September 27 to 29th
VONUFEST5 - Sept 30-Oct 7 - Vandalia, IL
Mises Supporters Summit 2024 - October 10-13, 2024, Hilton Head, South Carolina
Mid-Continent Liberty Festival (MIDFEST) - October, 2024, Spavinaw, Oklahoma
Liberty in Our Lifetime - November 1-3, 2024. Empire Hall, Prague, Czech Republic
Memes Bonanza
Truth Music of the Week
Organized Crime by Brendan Daniel - Studio Version
A couple of weeks ago we featured an article and video on the song: Organized Crime by Brendan Daniel that was inspired by Etienne's book: "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! We promoted two different videos:
Live version of Organized Crime WITH pages from "Government" to illustrate.
Live version of Organized Crime WITHOUT the pages from "Government"
This week we are featuring the STUDIO VERSION of Organized Crime... Without the pages from "Government." What an amazing song! You can get the MP3 and support the artist on Bandcamp.
Available at: & Spotify & Apple Music / iTunes Support:
Free State Project (New Hampshire) Corner
I just finished an article that will be distributed at the Porcupine Freedom Festival: What is the future of the Free State Project... REAL Freedom OR Statism and easily rigged elections? Right now Statists seem to have the reigns...
Pre-State Project - How You Can Help
Free State Project Corner - The Free State Project is moving 20,000 + libertarians to New Hampshire with the goal of reducing "Government" to just protecting life, liberty and property. We are supporting and reporting on this dynamic. If you have heard Etienne talk about the plan to accelerate this dynamic by dropping 100,000 copies of "Government", the 64GB Liberator and a TBD documentary to the influential in the state and want more details in our Executive Summary. You can also donate a single copy OR 10 copies of "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed! at the where we will send them directly to NH legislators, journalists, Police Chiefs, and other influential within the state. You can also donate a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore to a Liberty Group in New Hampshire that will earn the profits from reselling and distributing copies of the book in the state!
The Liberator
The Liberator– Our archive of “government” and media criminality
Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version. Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.
Liberator #1 - Companion media to “Government” - The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!
Liberator #2 - Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:
Liberator #3 - Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:
Liberator #4 - Voluntaryism and more evidence of "Government" corruption:
Liberator #5 - Prepping and Self-Sufficiency - Hundreds of resources:
How to Support the Art of Liberty Foundation
1. Become an Art of Liberty Foundation Sponsor at - The best way to support us is to become a sponsor of the foundation. We have some great perks to say Thank You! including copies of "Government" - The Biggest Scam in History... Exposed!, Liberator Flash Drives, Signed Hard Copies, calls with Etienne, and even the ability to have an Art of Liberty Foundation event with tier one Liberty speakers in your City or Town for your friends, family and neighbors!
2. Go Paid on Substack! - We simply couldn't do what we do without the support of our sponsors and paid subscribers on Substack! If you are enjoying the Daily News, Important News, or Five Meme Friday on Substack we hope you will consider "Going Paid" on Substack. All it takes is a click!
3. Donate Gift Certificates to Us - We just signed up with GeeCees that allows any business that offers gift certificates (Especially Hotels and Resorts with Unused Rooms) to donate gift certificates and foundation supporters to buy them at a discount. We will see how this goes!
4. Get a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and Earn Profit from Distributing Copies of "Government" in Your Town / City - Do you (or a friend) have a retail location? Open up a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and share in the profits. We have everything you need to attractively merchandise "Government" and Liberators in a small footprint. Details here:
5. Buy Books and Merchandise at - Our store has become one of the biggest distributors of Voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist titles. Especially popular is our "Everything Bundle" - The Sampler of Liberty!
The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.
“Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! by Etienne de la Boetie2
Anarchy Exposed! – A former police officer reports on his investigative journey by Shepard the Voluntaryist and Larken Rose
The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
Sedition, Subversion and Sabotage – Field Manual #1 by Ben Stone, The Bad Quaker, and Ken Yamarashi
What Anarchy Isn’t – A short pamphlet by Larken Rose… The perfect introduction to peaceful anarchy
Three Friends Free – A Children’s Story of Voluntaryism
The Liberator is a 64GB wafer flash drive filled with books, documentaries, podcasts, MP3s, short videos, and music from the truth movement’s leading artists. The credit card-sized format makes it convenient to keep in your wallet to share and copy easily.
Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues.
Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: "Government" The Biggest Scam in History ... Exposed!!
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